Comic Actor, Singer & Dancer.

Archive for July, 2010

Summer’s here!

Well, Summer is in full swing and we’re finally starting to see some of that lush summer weather coming our way. I don’t know about you but I love driving in summer and despite the roasting hot leather seats in my car, driving in scorching heat with all the windows open is, for me, the best part of being able to drive.

There is however one downside to the summer, most of my usual evening activities stop. This includes Musical theatre, dance and drama. Massive shame because it is the best parts of my week (as sad as it sounds) and when you take that away, what’s left? Work, work, work! I have fortunately got two shows that I am going to be rehearsing for and I won’t stop singing so there is positives along with the negatives.

The summer break will also give me time to reflect on my plans for next year and get applying for those theatre colleges. I did for a second consider last night whether to maybe just do acting on its own, but this idea popped out of my head as quick as it went in. I have to admit, i’m a little scared about making this leap next year. With funds not growing quickly in the bank account, i’m starting to wonder how i’m going to afford all this. My first task is to just get accepted to A musical theatre college, so that’s what i’ll focus on first. Splits are coming along nicely, i’ll post some pics in the next post and no doubt spread these to facebook. Little steps towards big goals I always say!

On another note, I had an audition yesterday for the christmas panto Cinderella of which I got the part of Prince Charming. I am VERY excited about this as Panto is something I have wanted to do since I started performing. The rehearsing starts in September so i’ll keep you posted on progress with that!

Moving off the subject of performing and well, me, I read a great quote today:

“Letting go doesn’t mean giving up… it means moving on. It is one of the hardest things a person can do. Starting at birth, we grasp on to anything we can get our hands on, and hold on as if we will cease to exist when we let go. We feel that letting go is giving up, quitting, and that as we all know is cowardly. But as we grow older we are forced to change our way of thinking. We are forced to realize that letting go means accepting things that cannot be. It means maturing and moving on, no matter how hard you have to fight yourself to do so.”

I can relate to this a lot and by picking it apart, I can apply it to my life as it currently stands.  Change or making important decisions are often thought as a bad thing, something to reject. In fact, by doing this we are holding ourselves back and by not letting go, we’re going nowhere. I believe that everyone is on their own path, that we all have our destinations, where we’re going to end up, but the roads that lead there is what we have to discover for


For example, my destination – being an actor/singer/dancer.

How I got there – I used to do little performances with my sis at a very young age in front of my dads video camera, used to get bullied at school so started karate, competed in competitions in front of hundreds performing Katas which are almost like a dance, wanted to be able to dance in clubs so I started street dance, met a girl who loved musical theatre, started to sing/act, and have been hooked ever since.

So even at a young age I tried to perform and act but I didn’t just follow that exact path, I needed to go down different routes to get to my destination. If I hadn’t done karate, I wouldn’t have made a smooth transition to dance with my flexibility, and I certainly wouldn’t have the confidence to perform on stage in a musical! If I hadn’t thought, “hey, I wana look a bit more confident on the dance floor” and started street dance, I wouldn’t have got hooked!

I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, question is, what’s next?

And on that note, its getting late so i’ll say good night, and thanks for reading.

Steve x