Comic Actor, Singer & Dancer.

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Wow, there is a lot to catch up on, its been nearly two months since the last post, mannnn has a lot happened!

I mentioned in my last post that my sister was competing in the British final in Glasgow, well just like I knew she would, she won it. I am so unbelievably proud of her and she earnt her pro card which means she can now get sponsored and compete in the world finals in Washington.

On the show front, I have two shows since the last post. One dance show locally as part of the Winter Gardens Centenary Celebration and one musical The Wedding Singer. Both went down a storm and I loved doing both. Currently I am working on another 4 shows, two of which open this weekend. Spring Awakening where I play a total of 9 bit parts and Buffy – Once more with feeling, where I play Spike. The other shows include South Pacific in November where I will play Luthor Billis and the panto Cinderella where I am playing Prince Charming. I won’t deny theres a lot going on at the moment and this on top of running a business is making life pretty manic.

Just like I discussed in previous posts, I have sent off my application forms for Theatre colleges and already started auditioning! I had my audition for Laines last Friday and have to say it was  one of the toughest experiences I’ve had yet. The dancing was challenging but good, I learnt an awful lot from the audition process and came away satisfied I had done all I could. Yesterday I had my audition for Arts Ed and have to say I completely fell in love with the place. The atmosphere around the college was fantastic and the buzz was incredible. I met a lot of amazing people throughout the whole day and really hope I get the opportunity to go there. The audition process was just as tough and I was lucky enough to make it into the second round, being one of only 6 that got through. I was happy with all my audition pieces and showed them what I could do, I hope its enough and have my fingers cross I get offered a place. I still wait to hear back from Laines and will find out from Arts Ed next week. I have got my mountview audition on the 18th November and Urdang on the 16th January. I will keep the blog updated on how they go and what Arts Ed and Laines decisions are. Things are finally moving in the right direction, and I couldn’t be more excited.

Summer’s over… Already!?!

Depressing as it sounds, the summer is on its way out. Though if this weeks anything to go by then it could be a pretty lush start to the Autumn!

Autumn also marks the start to all the madness, the Masque term starts again with 3 performances already scheduled, 1 musical for February and 2 Dance shows, 1 in October and 1 in December. This on top of the Wedding Singer which opens next week in the Granville, South Pacific in November and Panto in December; the rest of this year is going to be very bloody busy. Not that I’m complaining, I love every second of it.

September also means that applications can be accepted for Theatre Colleges for 2011. The list I’ve got so far is Bird, Laines, Mountview, Millenium, Arts Ed and Urdang. Time to start applying and preparing for what is going to be the hardest set of auditions I’ve possibly ever had. I’ve started private lessons in jazz, tap and ballet to help move me along quicker and give me a better chance, but we’ll just have to see if its enough.

I feel its also necessary to state in this post how proud I am of my sister Vicky who not only qualified for the BNBF finals in Glasgow but also appeared in national newspaper the Independent and on BBC1’s the One Show. She’s going to win in Glasgow I just know it, and no one deserves it more.

That’s it for the moment but I’m sure once all the madness kicks in, I’ll have more interesting news to write about!

Summer’s here!

Well, Summer is in full swing and we’re finally starting to see some of that lush summer weather coming our way. I don’t know about you but I love driving in summer and despite the roasting hot leather seats in my car, driving in scorching heat with all the windows open is, for me, the best part of being able to drive.

There is however one downside to the summer, most of my usual evening activities stop. This includes Musical theatre, dance and drama. Massive shame because it is the best parts of my week (as sad as it sounds) and when you take that away, what’s left? Work, work, work! I have fortunately got two shows that I am going to be rehearsing for and I won’t stop singing so there is positives along with the negatives.

The summer break will also give me time to reflect on my plans for next year and get applying for those theatre colleges. I did for a second consider last night whether to maybe just do acting on its own, but this idea popped out of my head as quick as it went in. I have to admit, i’m a little scared about making this leap next year. With funds not growing quickly in the bank account, i’m starting to wonder how i’m going to afford all this. My first task is to just get accepted to A musical theatre college, so that’s what i’ll focus on first. Splits are coming along nicely, i’ll post some pics in the next post and no doubt spread these to facebook. Little steps towards big goals I always say!

On another note, I had an audition yesterday for the christmas panto Cinderella of which I got the part of Prince Charming. I am VERY excited about this as Panto is something I have wanted to do since I started performing. The rehearsing starts in September so i’ll keep you posted on progress with that!

Moving off the subject of performing and well, me, I read a great quote today:

“Letting go doesn’t mean giving up… it means moving on. It is one of the hardest things a person can do. Starting at birth, we grasp on to anything we can get our hands on, and hold on as if we will cease to exist when we let go. We feel that letting go is giving up, quitting, and that as we all know is cowardly. But as we grow older we are forced to change our way of thinking. We are forced to realize that letting go means accepting things that cannot be. It means maturing and moving on, no matter how hard you have to fight yourself to do so.”

I can relate to this a lot and by picking it apart, I can apply it to my life as it currently stands.  Change or making important decisions are often thought as a bad thing, something to reject. In fact, by doing this we are holding ourselves back and by not letting go, we’re going nowhere. I believe that everyone is on their own path, that we all have our destinations, where we’re going to end up, but the roads that lead there is what we have to discover for


For example, my destination – being an actor/singer/dancer.

How I got there – I used to do little performances with my sis at a very young age in front of my dads video camera, used to get bullied at school so started karate, competed in competitions in front of hundreds performing Katas which are almost like a dance, wanted to be able to dance in clubs so I started street dance, met a girl who loved musical theatre, started to sing/act, and have been hooked ever since.

So even at a young age I tried to perform and act but I didn’t just follow that exact path, I needed to go down different routes to get to my destination. If I hadn’t done karate, I wouldn’t have made a smooth transition to dance with my flexibility, and I certainly wouldn’t have the confidence to perform on stage in a musical! If I hadn’t thought, “hey, I wana look a bit more confident on the dance floor” and started street dance, I wouldn’t have got hooked!

I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, question is, what’s next?

And on that note, its getting late so i’ll say good night, and thanks for reading.

Steve x

In Motion…

Firstly, I’d like to thank everyone that read and offered their advice on my last post. I wasn’t expecting that one simple post on facebook to generate so much help and advice.

For me this blog is about writing down my journey to what I hope to be stardom in the West End. It means a lot to me that people care enough to offer encouragement and tips to help me get there. This is only the beginning and although I am the MOST impatient person in the world, I understand that time, a lot of effort and belief are the only things that are going to help me achieve my goals.

In the last few weeks I have thought about London and the musical theatre college A LOT. At least once a day I reckon. I’ll admit it right now that sometimes I think, would it be easier to stay put? Build up my business and be content here in Sunny (although its raining now) Thanet? Then I realise that if I didn’t do this, it would be the first thing that I truly regret in life. Me and my friend Alex who I plan to stay with in London have been checking out rent prices in London, yep, its expensive. It’s so hard not knowing where is nice to live, safer to live or has the best night life! We have been looking at anywhere from Hammersmith, to Greenwich to bloody Hyde Park (£1400 a month is a bit much).

I guess where I live also depends on which musical theatre college I get into. In my last post I was looking at the Urdang Academy and since then I have contacted them and found out about pre-audition course dates and when to apply. Urdang is in central London and although the idea of living in Central London is a dream come true, I just don’t think its logical with the insane rent! So moving away from Urdang, there are a number of other colleges I have been recommended to: Laines, Mountview, Arts Ed and Bird. Laines are apparently the best for males but are also the most expensive (nothings ever easy is it?). So depending on where I get in (if any) will certainly depend on where i’d like to live. If anyone reading this post has any advice, tips or recommendations on where to live in London, I would really appreciate it!

I’ve already started saving, £436.25 so far… only £9,563.75 to go and that’s the first year covered! Yeah.. its ridiculous.

The audition process to get into these colleges is tough and i’ve also been told to audition early to stand a better chance of getting in and getting a scholarship. So, the earliest dates to audition is probably going to be around Christmas time, that gives me 6 months preparation. I’ve got to work on and pick a few songs I can do really well, seriously work on my dance and flexibility and do as much acting as humanly possible between now and then. I’m going against guys that have most likely been doing this since they were 7. I’ve been dancing just two and a half years and singing only a year. I guess its about quality and not quantity right?

I think that’s enough for this post, I better get back to work and start researching these other colleges, the plan is in motion..

The Plan..

In my last post, I updated you with the predicament which I was in, the thoughts going through my mind of whether going a new direction in my life is the right one and whether I could make it work. I’m glad to say that after a long time researching, reading books and talking it through with close friends and family, I have come up with “The Plan”.

I know this, i’m not giving up on my dream to become a damn good, actor, singer & dancer. I also know that I can’t give up my business, its my fall back, something I’ve worked hard to build up, if all else fails, I have something to keep me going. So how am I going to combine the two? One word, London.

Yes, thats a big leap and for anyone that knows me well, thats the last thing they’d expect me to do. Let me explain the benefits.

  1. Musical Theatre Colleges – If i’m going to apply for one, its got to be in London, in the thick of it, where all the shows happen. I cannot think of anything more exciting, more satisfying than waking up in the morning and studying musical theatre alll day!
  2. I can take my business with me – Think of the massive market I could target in London with I.T. I wouldn’t necessarily be targetting the businesses but more the home user, one to one tutoring market. I could probably double the price that I charge down here! This I could also fit around attending a musical theatre college.
  3. Friends to stay with – I am lucky enough to know a few people that live in London, one of which has been kind enough to say they’ll let me stay with them. Providing I can get into a theatre college, providing my business does bring in a small regular income, I can afford to pay my way.
  4. Expense – Yes its a hell of a lot of money to go to these musical theatre colleges, but, if I save, if I move my business to London and it starts to work, then I can get a loan. I am looking at the Foundation course which is only a year, so only one years worth of fees. I’m sure I could get a loan to cover me that year. Who knows after that? If business works, I could move onto the full degree course. I mean, whilst i’m there imagine all the contacts I would have built up! I can still do amateur shows on the side to build my portfolio up.

Anyway, thats it so far.. I’m still ironing out the details and looking at various colleges, the one I have my sites on is the Urdang Academy. The predicament is over, and the plan is just getting started…

The Predicament…

It seems that at least once every year, something occurs or happens in my life which makes me doubt the path i’m on…

Sometimes its something not that serious and sometimes its something big which has a massive impact, but either way theres always something.. when am I going to be so content with life that I never have to decide where I should be going or what I should be doing next!

Just over a year ago, I decided to go self employed, start my own I.T company, I had all these aspirations of being a successful businessmen and making lots of money and being one of the leader I.T providers in the UK at least.

I had it all worked out, a plan, a dream. I was still doing karate every now and again and still in the early stages of doing dance which was, back then, still just a small time hobby. I guess you could say then, I was content, content with life, I knew where I was going. Then it all changed and i’m almost certain for the better. I’m not going to go over old ground because the next bit is detailed thoroughly in the posts before, but when I was introduced to the world of musical theatre, something clicked which suddenly changed the priority of my dream, my ambition, my wish to be a ‘leading IT provider’. You might be wondering how the hell you can suddenly just drop the idea of something like that so quickly, but the satisfaction of doing musical theatre, performing on stage, is in a completely different league to anything else I have ever done, ever experienced that now suddenly, thats all I want to do.

Now don’t get me wrong, there are aspects to my job, my business which are still satisfying, I haven’t given up all hope, I still enjoy getting the nice big cheques through from genuine hard work that I have put in. But the value of this feeling, has drastically dropped. Why can’t everyone in this world do something they enjoy all day long and reap the rewards? I don’t know myself but I do know that I want it. Thats my dream now, I want to do something day in day out that I love and get the satisfaction out of which makes me content with life. That in my eyes, is one or all of three things, dancing, singing and acting. Someone said to me today ‘its great but its never going to pay the bills’, it wasn’t the only time someones said this to me. But it does pay the bills for some people, why can’t that be me.

The predicament is how can I make it pay the bills, how do I achieve my dream. How do I leave my IT business and pursue something which truely makes me happy?

End of 2009. Beginning of 2010 – Part 2

So, its been a while, where was I… ah yes…

What was I thinking?! No acting experience, no singing experience, barely a years dancing experience and all of a sudden I wanted to be on stage in front of hundreds of people? Crazy? Yes, I was.

I immediately got recommened to a great singing teacher who still gives me lessons to this day, who had 2 weeks to get me ready for the first audition. Now this audition was just to get into the society which runs the shows, not even the show itself. It was 1 song, 1 chance. Blow it and i’ve fallen at the first hurdle. Give up & go back to full time computer nerd.

Having never done any singing before, my voice was, lets face it, awful. My singing teacher says that back then, I could have been a bass. My voice isn’t naturally low but I was certainly not comfortable singing past a C. I had a few songs to pick from, some of which had to be transposed lower if I wanted to try them at an audition.

Anyway, with only a couple of hours tuition under my belt, I went along to the first audition, singing one of the songs from Calamity Jane, ‘Hive full of Honey’. Thats right, the song Francis Fryer sings, dressed as a women. What can I say? It was in my range ! The day came and I entered the dark quiet room and sang, maybe slightly out of tune, the first verse to Hive full of Honey. Well, it was good enough to get me into the society, but there is a distinct lack of young men in the society so I could have probably gone in there and said the words to twinkle twinkle little star and still got in. With that done and overwith, my thoughts turned to acting and that audition for the role francis fryer.

There was 3 weeks till the next audition which gave me plenty of singing practice and time to go through the lines. I think acting came pretty naturally to me, or so say the people around me, I thought I was rubbish. The western american accent was tricky at first but got easier the more I knew the lines. With as much preparation as a man can do when he has to play a women for a musical number, the second audition came.

I had rehearsed a dance routine with my girlfriend at the time and had help from my singing teacher so that I would be able to completely ‘camp up’ the song Hive full of Honey and get the judging panel all laughing. All I can say is, it worked. To say I was nervous would be a complete understatement but that didn’t matter as the scene in the musical involves a very nervous man, advantage Steve. With smiles and sniggers coming from every one of the judging panel, I knew I did a good job, but, was it enough?

Shocked? Yes. Surprised? Yes. Scared? Very. I only bloody got the role.

One of the main roles in a musical that in 5 months time would be performed in front of 220 people for 5 nights, 6 shows. I couldn’t believe it. You might think that 5 months is a long time, but when you’ve had no bloody experience theres a lot to learn, and fast!  Firstly, it only then sunk in that I would have to be dragged up to the max in front of friends of family singing a camp song, but secondly there were two songs! .. and a hell of a lot of lines to learn. On paper, it was a disaster waiting to happen, in reality, it just had to work.

5 months came and went fast, emotions running very high and to top off everything I was learning, I was thrown the task of singing my first song whilst tap dancing, thats right tap dancing which I had only had a years experience doing and singing I had barely months of experience doing, they wanted me to combine the two, at the same time. So just in case you’ve forgotten, I’ve to got to dress up as a women singing a song as camp as possible whilst prancing around a stage giving all the male cast the eye, then sing another song, whilst tap dancing. I’m an idiot.

Show week came, we had one technical rehearsal and one dress rehearsal, then it was show time. I’ll admit, I thought I was ready but as soon as you step foot on that stage, it all changes. Props, mics, band, costumes, they all change everything.

Let’s just say that week, was possibly one of the best weeks in my life. I cannot explain the nerves and I cannot explain the absolute adrenaline rush when you’re bowing at the end. From that moment on, I was so proud of what I had accomplished and knew that this was the beginning of something special. Add on top of that, a fantastic review in the newspaper and I was on Cloud 9.

Thing is, what do I do now? The next show with the society was the Pirates of Penzance and although its not an immediate favourite of mine, I was still interested. Then things turned slightly sour.

I broke up with my girlfriend who had performed in Calamity Jane with me and who was also in the same society. She was a massive fan of Pirates and I knew we couldn’t both do the show under the circumstances so I told her to go for it and I would find something else to do. It wasn’t the end of the world, I still plan on going back to the society, but when its awkward and bad timing, theres nothing you can do.

This nearly brings you up to speed, I say nearly because the week of the break up, I had an audition, for another musical. “They’re Playing Our Song” – its not a really well known musical and was done in the 70s, in my eyes, it was a perfect chance to get experience and was going to be done on a fairly small scale so seemed perfect. What I didn’t realise is the show only includes 2 main parts (1 male and 1 female lead) and 6 chorus (3 males and 3 females playing the alter egos of the main characters). So, thats a 2 hour show, a 50 page script, split between two, on top of that add 13 songs and you’ve got one very nervous Steve. Guess what, I only bloody got the main role.

Its a comedy, which is turning out to be my speciality, but no dressing up this time, thank god! Its your usual romantic comedy where I play a cocky composer and the female plays a querky lyricist. Think the film “Music & Lyrics” and you’re not far off. After spending nearly 2 months rehearsing for this show, things have taken a turn for the worse, but also slightly better. It was originally going to be performed in March but, due to lack of cast, its been postponed and we are doing a cut down version in march followed by a full scale production in… well who knows when now, but its going to happen. The reason why this is good news is because the production can be put on a massive scale now, not just small time. We can do it in a bigger theatre, build publicity and more importantly, prepare more.

Well that’s about us caught up to present day. I still run my I.T business but probably spend more time on acting, singing and dancing more than I do actually working. I guess thats because I hope one day that I can do it for a living and be successful. I’ve joined a male voice choir to improve my singing and have taken to doing lots more dance classes and even starting a drama class soon to improve my acting, I guess people can’t say i’m not dedicated!!

End of 2009. Beginning of 2010.

Hi to all viewing this blog. My name is Stephen Bradley, I am 22 years old and live in Broadstairs, Kent, England. Its a small town located right in the south east of England. I can’t complain, i’m about 30 seconds walk from the beach. Most people would kill for that, but for me its just life and i’ve spent all my life living in little old Broadstairs.

I’m not sure what prompted me to start writing a blog. I have made several failed attempts in the past but never could be bothered to keep it up. I guess now I have a life worth writing about and for me, this is going to be a (all be it public) record of whats happened in my life. I’m not saying i’ll be posting each day or even each week but at the end of 2010 I hope to be able to look back on the past year and remember all the good, sad and fun times I had.

So lets get this up to date. I really shouldn’t have much to complain about life. I live a pretty good one I guess and I’m grateful for that. I still live at home with my parents and one reason for that is money, I have enough, but not nearly enough to leave home and take proper care of myself financially. I know I have to leave home sometime but I love my parents and the thought of leaving them also scares me a little. I made a decision a year ago to start up my own I.T. Company called Right Click Solutions ( – thought i’d take advantage of the reference). I have worked for one I.T. Company and the NHS in the past and felt I had enough experience under my belt to go solo. For a first year I have done alright, but you get out what you put in right? I can’t say i’ve made every effort under the sun to start earning thousands but I have done enough to get by and at the moment, I guess thats all I want.

I have many, many hobbies. For people that know me, they would say I have ‘too’ many hobbies. Nearly two years ago I started going to street dancing lessons and completely fell in love with it, now I attend at least three times a week and am itching to do more, I have branched out into Tap and soon hope to start Ballet. For anyone thinking it, no, I’m not gay. I hate the stereotypical view thats put on men that like to dance. I also started learning to play the piano which is something i’ve always wanted to do, I no longer have lessons because of other committments, but still practice regularly. I have been studying karate for whats fast approaching 10 years now. I stopped training regularly this year, but again this is due to other committments that I want to move onto now.

My parents have always been massive fans of musicals and I guess I never really showed an interest in them all that much, until I started dancing. I had been to see a few musicals as a child but never any as an adult. I suddenly became fascinated with watching the likes of Gene Kelly, Donald O’Connor, Fred Astaire, Ann Miller, plus many more. This year I met a girl who I can safely say has changed my life because without her influence I wouldn’t able to carry on saying what i’m about to say.

I was in a relationship with a girl who also loved musicals and convinced me to take part in a read through of Calamity Jane, a musical I had seen only once. It was a full sing through with everyone wanting to do the show. I had never tried singing really before, the odd karaoke or session on Singstar or Lips happened every now and again, but nothing serious. I was nervous to say the least. But as soon as that music started playing and everyone started singing, I was hooked. With every up beat, happy song, I was feeling more confident to sing a little bit louder and take my face out of the book that I had buried it in. Lets just say by the end of the read through I was buzzing, on such a high that not only did I want to do it again, but I also had the enthusiasm to go for a part…. be continued.

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