Comic Actor, Singer & Dancer.

Posts tagged ‘musical’

End of 2009. Beginning of 2010.

Hi to all viewing this blog. My name is Stephen Bradley, I am 22 years old and live in Broadstairs, Kent, England. Its a small town located right in the south east of England. I can’t complain, i’m about 30 seconds walk from the beach. Most people would kill for that, but for me its just life and i’ve spent all my life living in little old Broadstairs.

I’m not sure what prompted me to start writing a blog. I have made several failed attempts in the past but never could be bothered to keep it up. I guess now I have a life worth writing about and for me, this is going to be a (all be it public) record of whats happened in my life. I’m not saying i’ll be posting each day or even each week but at the end of 2010 I hope to be able to look back on the past year and remember all the good, sad and fun times I had.

So lets get this up to date. I really shouldn’t have much to complain about life. I live a pretty good one I guess and I’m grateful for that. I still live at home with my parents and one reason for that is money, I have enough, but not nearly enough to leave home and take proper care of myself financially. I know I have to leave home sometime but I love my parents and the thought of leaving them also scares me a little. I made a decision a year ago to start up my own I.T. Company called Right Click Solutions ( – thought i’d take advantage of the reference). I have worked for one I.T. Company and the NHS in the past and felt I had enough experience under my belt to go solo. For a first year I have done alright, but you get out what you put in right? I can’t say i’ve made every effort under the sun to start earning thousands but I have done enough to get by and at the moment, I guess thats all I want.

I have many, many hobbies. For people that know me, they would say I have ‘too’ many hobbies. Nearly two years ago I started going to street dancing lessons and completely fell in love with it, now I attend at least three times a week and am itching to do more, I have branched out into Tap and soon hope to start Ballet. For anyone thinking it, no, I’m not gay. I hate the stereotypical view thats put on men that like to dance. I also started learning to play the piano which is something i’ve always wanted to do, I no longer have lessons because of other committments, but still practice regularly. I have been studying karate for whats fast approaching 10 years now. I stopped training regularly this year, but again this is due to other committments that I want to move onto now.

My parents have always been massive fans of musicals and I guess I never really showed an interest in them all that much, until I started dancing. I had been to see a few musicals as a child but never any as an adult. I suddenly became fascinated with watching the likes of Gene Kelly, Donald O’Connor, Fred Astaire, Ann Miller, plus many more. This year I met a girl who I can safely say has changed my life because without her influence I wouldn’t able to carry on saying what i’m about to say.

I was in a relationship with a girl who also loved musicals and convinced me to take part in a read through of Calamity Jane, a musical I had seen only once. It was a full sing through with everyone wanting to do the show. I had never tried singing really before, the odd karaoke or session on Singstar or Lips happened every now and again, but nothing serious. I was nervous to say the least. But as soon as that music started playing and everyone started singing, I was hooked. With every up beat, happy song, I was feeling more confident to sing a little bit louder and take my face out of the book that I had buried it in. Lets just say by the end of the read through I was buzzing, on such a high that not only did I want to do it again, but I also had the enthusiasm to go for a part…. be continued.